Sleep Success: Understanding, Supporting, and Managing Sleep Challenges in Pediatrics
Sleep is a very common concern that families bring up regarding their children. Most families don't know how to best support their child during their sleep routine. In this webinar, we are going to cover:
Sleep hygiene: What is it and what can you do? What does an optimal and safe sleep environment look like? Age-appropriate wake-windows. How much sleep should a child be getting in a 24 hour period?
Overview of sleep props: What are they and how can I help remove them? Bottle, Pacifier, Co-sleeping, Sample bedtime routine, Do I have to let the child cry it out? What are alternative soothing methods? Quick-checks, chair in the room, shh-pat.
How does the daytime routine impact the child's nighttime sleep? Follow sleep, eat, play schedule.
More about Teri Kmak M.ED,DT:
Teri first entered the Early Intervention world in 2011 as a Service Coordinator with CFC 7. In 2013, she left this position to further her education. In 2015, she earned her M.ED and started a new role in EI as a Developmental therapist. In addition to Developmental therapy, Teri owns her own company Beloved Baby Consulting LLC and she also holds the certifications of:
- Newborn Sleep Consultant
- Newborn Sleep Specialist
- Pediatric Sleep Consultant
- Potty-training Consultant
- Baby/infant Sign Language Educator
Teri has two sons both of which have been enrolled in the Early Intervention Program.
Early Intervention Credits: 1.5 Working with Families
(please note credit is currently unavailable for states outside of Illinois)
This training is open to all Early Intervention Providers and Service Coordinators
There will be a free reflective practice session offered after the webinar for all IDTA Members ONLY. This will require a separate registration.
Please note, a strict no cancellation policy will be enforced for all IDTA webinars