Traumatic experiences can have a significant impact on a child’s development and a parent’s confidence and well-being. Many families who have children with feeding challenges have experienced trauma in the past or are attempting to manage feeding situations that feel chronically stressful.
This interactive webinar will help practitioners who support children with feeding needs identify signs of trauma in children and parents and implement trauma-informed practices in the context of early intervention. This session also highlights specific practices to buffer stress, prevent further trauma from occurring, and maximize a child’s developmental gains. Specifically, participants will be presented with strategies to enhance their ability to build strong relationships between the professionals on the team, with parents, and between parents and their children. A strong focus on identification of individualized areas of strength and need with consideration of a family's unique experience, as well as empowerment of parents and caregivers throughout the early intervention process, will be part of this presentation. Short case examples and reflection questions will engage participants in applying concepts.
1 hour of Early Intervention Credit will be awarded for this webinar in the following categories:0.5-Atypical Development, 0.5-Intervention
This training is open to all Early Intervention Providers and Service Coordinators
Please note, a strict no cancellation policy will be enforced for all IDTA webinars
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Address: 3712 N Broadway #415Chicago, IL 60613